Opening Hour: Mon - Sun : 10:00 - 10:00
Massage in Kharadi Pune
Details of Massage in Kharadi

Sure, it can help you relax — but massage therapy can do much more than that.

It counteracts all that sitting you do

“Most individuals are dealing with some kind of postural stress,” says Aaron Tanason, registered massage therapist, kinesiologist and owner at Paleolife Massage Therapy in Toronto. “More often than not [that stress] tends to manifest in the shoulders and neck.” But desk workers, beware. More advanced forms of postural stress show up as pain or weakness in the low back and gluteals caused by prolonged periods of sitting. Here’s more on how sitting can impact your health

It eases muscle pain

Got sore muscles? Massage therapy can help. “Massage increases and improves circulation. Just like rubbing your elbow when you knock it on a table helps to relieve the pain,” says Tanason.

It soothes anxiety and depression

It improves sleep

It boosts immunity

It relieves headaches

Admin: Regalia Spa

Shop No - 11, City Vista, Tower B, Kharadi, Pune-411014, Maharashtra
Call : 085274 26993
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